Product Details:
- Brand Name: FANCL
- Company: FANCL Corporation
- Country of Origin: Japan
- Quantity: 30 days – 90 tablets
+ ShippingFANCL Perfect Slim W is a Japanese dietary supplement featuring green tea extract, alpha lipoic acid and L-Ornithine to help burn fat and stay slim.
Combination of ingredients to support “breaking down” and “burning” extra fat. An ideal diet for weight management.
Take up to 3 tablets with water after breakfast or any meals before starting an active day.
*Not recommended during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
*Not recommended for children.
*Consult your doctor if you are on medication or you see a doctor for gastrointestinal disorder or hemorrhoidal problem.
*The red pepper in this supplement may cause irritation when taken on an empty stomach.
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